Options trading audio

Top 20 Best Stock Market Audio Books – Updated 2017.

Audio books are a great way to absorb books when you do not have time to sit down and read. I enjoy audio books when driving, hiking, walking and even when gardening. I get through at least 50 books per year.

Here you will find a selection of our most highly rated audio books available at Audible & Audible. co. uk.

I use Audible because the selection is unbelievable and the prices are also fantastic.

A membership is by far the most cost effective way to consume audio books as the cost per book is reduced by more than 50% of the Retail Price for an audio book.

The following books are rated on their:

Educational Content – do they really tech you anything Entertainment Value – are they worth listening to.

1 – Flash Boys – Michael Lewis.

Rating – 5 Stars – Must Read.

A gripping bestseller that blew open the secrecy behind high frequency trading (HFT) and embarrassed Wall Street, large investment banks and even retail brokers.

This is THE 2014 book to read. It is not just hype, Lewis has research and investigative journalism on his side.

Unveiling the unfair way HFT trading is seeking to rip off not just American Investors but the whole globe, Lewis deserves more than a best seller, he deserves a knighthood.

2 – Crash Proof – Peter Schiff.

Rating – 5 Stars – Must Read.

A jaw dropping insight into the future large stock market crash and the inspiration for my stock market crash detector system.

Schiff makes well reasoned points that are difficult to argue with.

Even for a bullish investor it is important to understand the counter argument so you are ready for any major stock market crash.

3 – The Quants – Scott Patterson.

Rating – 5 Stars – Must Read.

A poker tournament at a plush hotel with the heads of the big quantitative trading houses is the backdrop for this great book.

Here we get an insight into the larger than life figures and the quantitative tactics of the genius mathematicians working on Wall Street and what impact it has on the broader market.

Packed full of fascinating insights, this book really let’s you know what you are up against in the markets.

4 – The Alpha Masters – Maneet Ahuja.

Rating – 4 Stars – Highly Recommended.

A behind the scenes look at successful hedge fund managers and the industry, including their investing styles.

Understanding how the hedge funds operate and the tactics and strategies they adopt is important for your overall understanding of the market.

Also it is interesting to see the rise and fall of these Alpha Masters and the psychology of how they deal with it.

5 – The 86 Biggest Lies on Wall Street – John R. Talbott.

Rating – 4 Stars – Highly Recommended.

Talbott’s 86 biggest lies on Wall Street is a good book and an easy read. Some of the “lies” are difficult to agree with, but on the whole a good insight into the views of Wall Street and Government.

Positives: Although Talbott tells you what all the lies are, his version of the truths are also debatable. A firm view against the use of technical analysis to analyse stocks and market shows he is no expert in this area.

However these flaws in his reasoning are balanced with good and compelling arguments against many of the preconceptions we have today regarding governments, corporations, venture capital and economics”.

Negatives: Some interesting arguments, especially if you have a left wing conspiracy theory bent.

6 – The Big Short – Michael Lewis.

Rating – 4 Stars – Highly Recommended.

A great story involving the few men who bet against the investment banks going into the 2007 financial crisis.

Lewis has a way of writing that adds great story telling to the factual background of what went on before and after the credit crunch.

It is a really great listen and also has been made into a hit Hollywood movie.

7 – Full of Bull – Stephen T. McClellan.

Rating – 4 Stars – Highly Recommended.

An insiders account of how Wall Street Financial Analysts really operate. This book deciphers the double talk and outright misleading way Stock Market Analysts cover the markets and how to really read there advice.

I came away with the thought to never trust a Wall Street analyst and do my own research.

Positives: A good addition to any bookshelf with insights into how companies manipulate earnings and how Wall Street Analysts sit in a microcosm of influence from the big company CEO’s.

Negatives: Some of the book became a little tiresome to read, but was none the less interesting.

8 – The Wolf of Wall Street – Jordan Belfort.

Rating – 4 Stars – Highly Recommended.

Ever wondered who is behind the cold call you get from a company you have never heard of, trying to sell you stocks in a company you know nothing about.

Belfort provides a thrilling and entertaining view of his life as a Chop House Stock Broker.

High on entertainment, this book is a roller coaster ride description of the personal life of Belfort himself.

A really great book that was recently turned into a Hollywood blockbuster.

9 – The Buy Side – Turney Duff.

Rating – 4 Stars – Highly Recommended.

An excellent insight into how the buy side operates on the financial market and just how much money these guys get to play with.

On a similar vain to Wolf of Wall Street, this is also a future film in the making. A true story looking into Wall Streets underbelly, the crooked practices and the insane after work parties.

Do you really want these people managing YOUR money?

Well worth listening to.

10 – The Snowball – Warren Buffet.

Rating – 4 Stars – Highly Recommended.

By far the very best Warren Buffet Book.

Weighing in at 37 hours for the unabridged version (which I listened to), I would seriously recommend the abridged version 10 hours as it gets to the meat without all the waffle.

He has had a great life and is the worlds most successful investor.

This is a very worthwhile way to spend your time.

11 – Liars Poker – Michael Lewis.

Rating – 4 Stars – Highly Recommended.

Charting the authors experience working for a Wall Street Investment bank.

This book is an interesting and entertaining look at the characters that make up the testosterone fueled trading floors that people entrust there money with.

It is worth the read just to ensure you are convinced that investing your money on your own terms is the right direction for you.

12 – One Good Trade – Mike Bellafiore.

Rating – 3 Stars – Recommended.

Ever wondered what life would be like on a proprietary trading (prop) desk? Then this is the book to read.

Looking at how a prop desk works and what motivates the people.

What struck me was the short term in/out scalping that occurs on the prop desk.

Thousands of trades for small wins. A day traders dream.

13 – The Undercover Economist – Tim Harford.

Rating – 3 Stars – Recommended.

The most entertaining and educational book on economics ever written – Tim Harford helps us mere mortals put the puzzle of economics in perspective and show us why it is so difficult to run an economy.

Great examples of farmers and coffee shops and how to outwit Starbucks.

How to big chains and corporations price their products and why? All is revealed, dont miss this one.

14 – Undercover Economist Strikes Back – Tim Harford.

Rating – 3 Stars – Recommended.

This great follow up book takes a look at some fascinating examples of human behavior in economic terms and is a fascinating listen.

Why should you care?

Being an investor it is really important to get a basic understanding of economics. With this book the medicine of learning is sweet and with humor.

15 – Born to Steal – Gary Weiss.

Rating – 3 Stars – Recommended.

A highly entertaining read covering the scams and mafia infiltration’s of Wall Street.

Following the rise and fall of a fast talking stock market hustler all is revealed about the seedy side of when the mafia knocked on Wall Streets door.

Almost unbelievable, but a true story.

16 – Running of the Bulls – Christopher Smith.

Rating – 3 Stars – Recommended.

A great fictional financial thriller involving 12 people targeted for murder by the double crossed Wolfhagen.

This will have you on the edge of your seat.

Although it is less educational that the other books listed it is a movie in the making.

17 – The little book that still beats the market – John Mauldin.

Rating – 2 Stars – Worth a Listen.

A short but interesting book looking at a specific system which the author declares and proves makes a regular profit.

Personally I think you can do better with a great stock market education.

Still this this book is a good basic introduction to a stock market system.

18 – The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham.

Rating – 2 Stars – Worth a Listen.

A classic book written by Ben Graham, the father of Value Investing. Warren Buffet was also strongly influenced by Graham.

Positives: A huge amount of valuable insight and knowledge. The revised version with comments from Jason Zweig brings the book up to date with new examples of how the book’s tenets still hold true.

Negatives: With an overwhelming 623 pages and a very dry writing style you will need a lot of coffee to get you through.

19 – Trading in the Zone – Mark Douglas.

Rating – 2 Stars – Worth a Listen.

An insight into how to manage the mind when setting up, executing and exiting your trades, this book provides deep opportunity for thought.

Understanding your own approach psychologically to the stock make is a good investment of your time.

20 – Hedge Hogging – Barton Biggs.

Rating – 2 Stars – Worth a Listen.

Stepping inside the world of investing this book gives personal insights from Barton Biggs.

Highlighting the trials and tribulations of working in and owning a hedge fund and how he goes about finding investing opportunities which consistently allow him to beat the market.

A little self indulgent, but worth a read.

How we rated the books.

Depth of Content: How deep does the book go into the subject matter. Applicability to Investing: How applicable is the material to helping to improve your investing success Readability: Is the book easy to comprehend or difficult to read Insight into subject: Does the book provide a real insight into the subject matter, is it thought provoking.

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Top 5 Books to Become an Option Trader.

Many consider options trading an unfamiliar and daunting area of investing. Fortunately, there are plenty of excellent books written on the subject to help traders understand the options markets and learn to trade them profitably. Here are five of the best available books that provide a clear education on options trading, as well as instruction on using various option trading strategies.

"Option as a Strategic Investment," by Lawrence McMillan.

Considered by many to be the Bible of options trading, Lawrence McMillan’s classic from 1980, “Options as a Strategic Investment,” provides traders with practical option trading strategies designed to minimize risk and maximize the profit potential for an investment portfolio. At over 1,000 pages, the book is an exhaustive reference on trading options. It contains information on the concept of using options investments, specific option strategies and market conditions in which they tend to work best, obtaining the best possible risk/reward position for an investment portfolio, using options as a hedge, and how tax laws apply to option trading profits or losses. The book also offers detailed advice on trading index options, trading options on futures, and measuring and utilizing market volatility. Further, McMillan provides extensive examples and illustrations of numerous option trading strategies.

"Option Volatility and Pricing," by Sheldon Natenberg.

Understanding market volatility and its relation to option pricing is key to helping traders conceptualize option pricing and evaluate fair value in the options market. Sheldon Natenberg’s “Option Volatility and Pricing” is considered one of the best volumes on this critical aspect of option trading. Natenberg provides a clear, solid explanation of theoretical option pricing models, followed by instruction in specific trading strategies that have historically been the most profitable in various market conditions. He provides a wealth of material on risk management and evaluating trading opportunities in options, and even includes material on creating your own option trading strategies. Natenberg presents his material in a clear, easy-to-follow manner and helps readers to understand the key concepts involved in trading options, such as the relation of options to their underlying asset, volatility, and option pricing and the time value of options.

"Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets," by John Hull.

Options trading is particularly popular with traders who regularly trade the commodity futures markets. John Hull's "Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets," which is considered a companion text to his “Options, Futures and Other Derivatives,” offers a clear understanding of the futures and options trading markets. Hull is a widely recognized authority on derivatives, futures and risk management who has served as a consultant to many of the best-known investment banking firms. Considered an excellent reference work for both beginners and seasoned option traders, Hull’s book includes information on swaps and other derivative instruments, trading interest rate futures and estimating the time value of options, all presented in an easy-to-follow manner.

"Trading Options Greeks: How Time, Volatility, and Other Pricing Factors Drive Profits," by Dan Passarelli.

A large part of mastering options trading lies in understanding what are referred to as the “Greeks." The “Greeks” are the Greek terms delta, theta, vega and rho, which refer to, respectively, option price movement in relation to underlying asset price movement, time value of options, volatility-related option price changes, and option price movements caused by changes in the risk-free interest rate, commonly equated with the yield on U. S. Treasury bills. Passarelli's book explains the impact that each of these factors has on option values and presents various option trading strategies that seek to profit from changes in any or all of the “Greeks.” Passarelli aims to provide traders with the necessary knowledge and tools to more accurately evaluate option pricing, as well as better identify a variety of profit opportunities available through the skillful use of options trades.

"The Option Trader's Hedge Fund," by Mark Sebastian and Dennis Chen.

“The Option Trader’s Hedge Fund,” penned by Mark Sebastian and Dennis Chen in 2012, offers traders an option trading business model to earn consistent profitable returns from options trading. In the book, option trading coach Sebastian and hedge fund manager Chen provide a step-by-step plan for setting up a short option investment portfolio, designed to generate steady income from selling, or writing, options. Sebastian and Chen present the idea of essentially setting up your own individual hedge fund as an options trader. The book’s numerous examples and illustrations make it easy for even a novice options trader to understand the option trading strategies presented. The authors offer especially helpful advice on the key options trading elements of risk management and volatility.

Options Trading Books.

The Bible of Options Strategies - Guy Cohen is the master when it comes to taming the complexities of options. From buying calls and puts to iron butterflies and condors, Guy explains these strategies in a clear and concise manner that options traders of any level can understand. His chapter on options and taxes is especially welcomed (and needed). The Bible of Options Trading Strategies is a straightforward, easy-to-use reference work that should occupy a space on any options trader's bookshelf.

Options as a Strategic Investment - Reflecting today's market realities and the new innovative options products available, this fourth edition features an in-depth analysis of volatility and volatility trading; updated information on all stock option strategies, reflecting recent market conditions; buy and sell strategies for Long Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPs); detailed guidance for investing in the growing field of structured products; the latest developments in futures and futures options; and the market impact of the most recent changes in the margin rules. Packed with graphs and charts to clarify profit and loss potential, margin requirements, and criteria for selection of a position, this classic remains an indispensable resource for investors determined to master the world of options--and profit.

Trend Following - How did John W. Henry quietly become rich enough to buy the Boston Red Sox? How have traders like Keith Campbell, Bill Dunn, Jerry Parker, and Salem Abraham consistently generated immense wealth in bull and bear markets? The key is trend following -- the only strategy proven to consistently make money. Now, one of the field's leading experts pulls back the veil on trend following, showing how it works and how you can take advantage of it. Michael Covel reveals the "underground" network of little-known traders and hedge fund managers who've been using trend following for decades. He introduces its fundamental concepts and techniques, showing why market prices contain all the information investors need, and how to understand price movements well enough to profit from them. Using 100 pages of easy-to-understand charts from top trend followers, Covel proves the strategy works -- and shows why only a technical system based on following price trends can win over the long term. Covel presents more than a decade's worth of data: information you'd otherwise pay a fortune to see presented this clearly. He also shows even more backtested trend following results, so you can gain even greater confidence in the method. Along the way, Covel thoroughly debunks misinformation and failed advice from pros who ought to know better. This timely book capitalizes on today's intense volatility and uncertainty to give investors what they're desperately searching for: a strategy that really works.

Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets - This outstanding reference has already taught thousands of traders the concepts of technical analysis and their application in the futures and stock markets. Covering the latest developments in computer technology, technical tools, and indicators, the second edition features new material on candlestick charting, intermarket relationships, stocks and stock rotation, plus state-of-the-art examples and figures. From how to read charts to understanding indicators and the crucial role technical analysis plays in investing, readers gain a thorough and accessible overview of the field of technical analysis, with a special emphasis on futures markets. Revised and expanded for the demands of today's financial world, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in tracking and analyzing market behavior.

Options Made Easy - Simply and clearly, the author reveals secrets of options trading that were formerly limited to elite professionals and exposes the dangerous myths that keep investors from profiting. As you set out on your options journey, you'll learn interactively through real-life examples, anecdotes, case studies, and pictures. Guy Cohen is your friendly expert guide, helping you pick the right stocks, learn the right strategies, create the trading plans that work, and master the psychology of the winning trader. Master all the essentials and put them to work Options demystified so that you can get past the fear and start profiting! Learn the safest ways to trade options Identify high-probability trades that lead to consistent profits Design a winning Trading Plan and stick to it Understand your risk profile and discover exactly when to enter and exit your trades Choose the right stocks for maximum profit Screen for your best opportunities stocks that are moving or are about to move Discover the optimum strategies for you Match your trading strategies to your personal investment goals No bull! The realities and myths of the markets What you must know about fundamental and technical analysis The easy, plain-English guide to making consistent profits with options! Teaches all the essentials with real-life examples and crystal-clear explanations. No complicated math or confusing jargon: Learn visually with easy-to-understand pictures! Identify high-probability trades, and design a Trading Plan that works. Master practical, easy strategies for succeeding in any environment even bear markets. Updated for today's markets with even more dynamic graphics, intuitive explanations, and valuable information! For every investor interested in trading options. When you read this book, you'll be amazed how quickly you understand options and how quickly you can start profiting from them!

Option Volatility & Pricing - One of the most widely read books among active option traders around the world, Option Volatility & Pricing has been completely updated to reflect the most current developments and trends in option products and trading strategies.

A Beginner's Guide to Short-Term Trading - "A Beginner's Guide to Short-term Trading" is written to those of you who want to profit by grabbing the "sweet spots" out of a stock's uptrend or downtrend. The book explains two styles of trading: swing trading and position trading. When you place a swing trade, you buy a stock with the intent of taking gains in 2 - 5 days. When you enter a position trade, you typically buy a stock breaking out of a base into an uptrend. You hold that position as long as the stock rises in that uptrend, approximately 3 - 6 weeks. If you have a have full-time job, yet want to participate in the stock market, short-term trading may appeal to you. And, if you're a traditional buy-and-hold investor, the knowledge you find in this book will help you keep your profits, instead of gaining them . . . and then giving them back. I wrote "A Beginner's Guide to Short-Term Trading" in the same lighthearted, reader-friendly style as my previous book, "A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online." Although the material is comprehensive and substantial, I firmly believe that humor, woven into a serious subject like the stock market, promotes the learning process. I also continued the "Center Points," as I've received a lot of positive feedback from people who enjoyed them in my last book. "A Beginner's Guide to Short-Term Trading," is designed to teach you skills and strategies needed to enter the stock market on a relatively short-term basis, safely and successfully. Please educate yourself thoroughly before you jump into the market, just as you would do with any worthwhile endeavor.

Futures & Options For Dummies - The days of buying and holding stocks and mutual funds for years are gone; nowadays, futures and option markets offer some of the best opportunities to make money trading in volatile times. But like all investments, high risk is involved, and in order to become a successful trader you must be prepared to work as a geopolitical analyst, a money manager, and an expert in all types of commodity markets. Futures & Options For Dummies will show you how trading is done and how to survive and succeed in these ever-changing markets. Filled with nuts-and-bolts advice, you'll soon discover how to manage the risks involved and reap the rewards of futures and options trading. This straightforward guide gives you the tools you need to understand: Ins and outs of trading futures and options How to analyze the markets and develop strategies Interest-rate futures and speculating with currencies How to stock up on indexes The direction of commodity futures Organizing your financial data and calculating your worth Developing strategies now to avoid pain later The execution of successful trades Trading takes an iron-cast stomach and nerves of steel to perform, and this book features ways to keep yourself sane and secure. It also lists resourceful Web sites, commodity exchanges, books, newsletters, and magazines to assist in your trading endeavors. From technical analysis to finding a broker, Futures & Options For Dummies has all the information you need to capitalize on these markets!

The Binary Options Guru: Your Reviews of signals, brokers & robots.

This is my review of the Binary Options Trading Signals service by Franco. I am going to give you some important info that you cannot find on the official website. There is no trial period offered. So you should read carefully this whole binary options signals review. This one is a lot different from any other binary options signals provider out there. It is live and it is not for everyone.

You connect to a live trading room. On your screen you get the screen of a professional binary options trader, Franco. What you see is the charts of various assets like EUR/USD, USD/JPY, Google stocks etc. But the real deal is that you get live binary options trading signals on that charts with the form of an arrow pointing up for “call or buy” and down for “put or sell”.You get the sound, as well, and you can listen live what Franco says.

He describes several market conditions. Whether you should place a trade, whether there are any news and you should stop trading and many more. In addition, you know from the beginning if a day is not very good for trading. You cannot have this with a binary options trading signal service that sends the alerts by or sms. You cannot have this with a binary options trading software, as well.

Table of Contents.

Summary of the live binary options trading signals by Franco.

Lets talk about the crucial points of this binary options trading signals review. Franco uses a binary options signals software to give his alerts. The one that you get on your screen. While the main software is available for anyone, Franco owns the signals algorithm. It is based on 6 different trading that of course he does not reveal :-). It is a binary options trading signals software that I have not seen anywhere else.

The binary options signals that you get live on your screen are short-term signals,60 seconds 2 minutes and 5 minutes signals. Sometimes Franco uses 15 minutes signals but he has removed them for now. Most of the binary options trading signals are 60 seconds so there is no problem. Most binary options brokers offer them. For the 2 minutes and 5 minutes signals you can open account with Binary. It is one of the best options brokers that offer all three and more short-term binary trading options. For US traders take a look at my Marketsworld review.

Binary Options Trading Signals – live screen when Franco places a trade.

Franco opens the binary options trading signals live room at 9:30am to 11:30am EST. This is something that may cause a problem for those in America that work in a regular schedule. But if you live in Europe, Russia, Middle East or Asia it is the ideal time frame.

Price: The price is $97 for two weeks. Most of the other binary options trading signals providers cost usually around the half of this price. You can see this in my other binary options signals reviews. But if you consider the real value-for-money, then this may sound cheaper. Because of all the unique advantages I described above. But there is no trial, that is why I am writing some details on this binary options trading signals review. You get also live support and you can ask Franco whatever you want and he replies live.

Binary Options Trading Signals Results.

There are no standard results unlike any other binary options trading signals review I wrote. I am going to explain why. During the two hours that the live trading room is open lots of signals are generated on Franco’s screen. Maybe 10,maybe less or a lot more depending on the trading day. Some of these binary options trading signals are strong, some weak and some “btt calls” as Franco calls them. Btt are the strongest signals and stands for “bang the table”. You know what class each binary option signal is, Franco calls it. But its up to you for which and how many of them you will place a trade. It depends on what type of trader you are. Or what is your balance on your binary options broker’s account.

I trade 5 months with Franco before I write this binary options trading signals review (update:2 years trading with Franco). And I have lost only seven days. These were really bad days. But of course I used a binary options demo account in the first week, till I get used to how the binary options trading signals service works. You should do this as well. You can open a broker demo account with Binary here. My scores vary from 2-0 to 12-0 or 7-3 and actually anything between them most of the days. It is definitely my best binary options signals service. This 2-hour trading with Franco is actually my regular “job” for now. I make more money than I was making as a computer engineer 🙂 .

The traders on the live binary options trading signals room often announce their results. They do it on the live chat that everyone sees and can write on. So you can see from your first day of trading with Franco how successful it is. But you should remember that many of the traders use the “martingale” strategy. This means that if someone loses the first trade and placed, lets say,$20,they place $35 or $40 on the next trade. When the second trade is a winning one, the score is 1-0 and not 1-1.This is because they have recovered the losses from the first lost trade. It may confuse you. This is one more reason I made this Binary Options Trading Signals review.

The results you will see from the older members of the live trading room might be 7-0 or 9-1 or 13-2 or anything like this. Scores are lower on bad days. But don’t get disappointed if you cannot get this results from the beginning. As I say in my binary options pro signals review, too. It takes some time to get used to this binary options signals strategy. While there are many binary options trading signals Franco himself may place one or three trades each day. He cannot place more. He has to talk and guide the live trading room members.

Update May 2016: still as good as always. There were some bad days, of course. But, in general, traders have around the same success rate. There are many people trading with Binary Options Trading Signals today that still make good money. The markets have changed last year and many signals services have failed to provide the same performance they did previously. But Franco has adapted. I was not trading for a while because of my health issue. But I talked with traders that follow me and confirmed the results.

Important advice:my fellow traders, you should never invest more money than you can risk losing. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. As I always say, you may start trading in a bad week and lose all your funds. This applies to every binary options signals provider around the web. Especially for the fake “80%” or “85%” you come across most of the websites. Start with funds that you are willing to lose and, when you win, trade with the gained ones. If you lose these stop. Do not invest more. Any signals service may win many months in a row and then something changes in the markets and it starts losing and losing..This may be destructive. You hope it will come back but it doesn’t. And you invest more..Stop it right there.

Franco’s Binary options trading signals review – Conclusion.

You may be carried away by a winning streak of weeks and lose a lot of money on a bad trading day. If you are not patient (that was me 🙂 ) You may need a strong stomach no trial period offered (but with a 60-day money-back guarantee provided by the payment processor)

Truly Live binary options trading signals, live screen-share, live audio Many many signals each day You can learn binary options trading strategies by Franco. You can use them later on your own The best success rate of all the trading signals out there.

My other trading signals reviews.

I may come back to this binary options trading signals review. If there is a major change in this live service. But I doubt Franco will make such changes. Something that wins does not change.

To get my updates on all binary options trading signal services Follow me below on Google+ or Twitter.

I traded over 8 months with Franco and its the best signal service ever!

I hope you’re very well.

I sent a question down here but it never got answered, never mind, I disregarded even that broker, I am actually coming to a aplace where I don’t have solid trust in any broker! Anyhow, I wanted to ask you in regards of the trades that Franco takes, as I heared he usually takes about two trades, are these trades as close to guaranteed as possible? (of course if executed in the same way and timing as he does)

Thanks for your help!

I am much better now, thanks. I have made a comparison chart of the best binary options brokers that accept US traders. Let me know if you had problems with any of them. Franco wins around 8 to 9 out of 10 trades he takes. If you have the patience to take only these trades you can have guaranteed results.

Hy George, is this also for Beginners? I mean for Newbies?

Hi Gabriel yes it is. But you have to watch for about a week to understand how it works.

Can i use my ipad and iphone to trade with franco software.

It would be difficult. You need a window open for Franco’s live streamin and a window to trade.

Hi George Garoufalis.

Franco’s site is alive now?

Is he still going well?

Hi, yes it is still live. He is still doing better than any other binary signal service.

Hi, George, I read all your reviews and Franco seems great!

Unfortunately there are some of us who cannot be active during his session hours.

Do you think that there could be another signal provider that is even close to Franco’s level that operates more than 3 hours a day and would operate after 4-5 pm EST ? Thanks!

I have received this request from many traders. All this time I am testing new signal providers but none of them has good results for more than one-two months. When I find a good one like Franco (and not a lucky one for a couple of weeks or a month) I will post it. So follow my fb page or google plus or twitter account for new reviews and other interesting posts.

Hi George, your review is pretty useful, thanks!

I just have one question: living in Germany and having 50 mb of web connection speed, do you think that i go to avoid lug issues?

Hi Giulio, a few traders have contacted me that faced some lag. It does not have to do with the internet connection speed or computer power. It depends the server you are on, where you are int the world and how many servers are between yours and Franco’s. Unfortunately you cannot know that.

Halo maxony, aku juga dari Indonesia. Masih pakai Franco BO Trading Signals nggak? Aku currently lagi join di room dia, siapatau ada orang Indo juga disana hehe.

Hi, after watching Anton Kreil - link removed-

Is Franco a professional trader? Have you seen his Certificate?

Is Franco in any kind of conflict of interest? like getting kickback from brokers?

THANK U on your reviews and if u are successful using his system PLEASE explain how do u do it.

I have joined Franco s room for free trial – how do u trade those signals – is a lot of bll shit talks and bad music – I catched a headache listen to that psychedelic shitttt. It gives some formua and highway to what really HOW DO U TRADE THAT STUFF?

The “bad” music is a new thing. You can ask him to change it. It is a live session where you can talk and say what you need. Read my review above and my other comments. I explain everything.

This is a good tip especially to those fresh to the blogosphere.

Simple but very precise information… Many thanks for sharing this one.

A must read post!

the site doesnt work, is franco’s signals not working anymore? did he stop giving signals?

He is working fine. Why? Maybe the server was down the time you tried to access his website.

Hi George, your review of francos signals is really good and I am thinking about investing in this. Can you may tell me if you are still satisfied with francos signals? Thank You! 🙂

I am sorry but I did not got any notification for your comment! yes I am. He has his ups and downs, but generally speaking it is working till now. Maybe the only not scam that has lasted for years.

George, I am new to your review service and noticed no new posts in last 20 days. Is everything with BOTS still thumbs up?

yes everything is the same. Nothing has changed.

Thanks! I have signed up for their free Monday morning trial.

I was thinking to give BOTS a try..how is working for you guys?

Looks promising I came form Michael freeman website he is really shit and he know it because he is scaming people So I found this one I will try this one too 🙂

Hello George. Niko here. I live in Los Angeles. Will Franco’s room work with Markets World broker? I am assuming it does work regardless the broker i choose just trying to make sure. Thanks in advance.

Hi Niko, yes, of course, you can choose whatever broker you want.

Hi, my name is George Garoufalis, I am a binary options trader and the time I am writing this blog I can’t find a single review about many binary options signals services. So I decided to make one. I lost lots of money testing them. I don’t want you to be scammed, too.


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